
What to Look for During Quarterly Digital Audits image

Team of multiracial entrepreneurs talk in front of mind map on glass wall in office.

The beginning of a new year is a prime time for year-end reviews. For many businesses, it’s the time to review annual budgets, expenditures, goals and traffic, and for good reason. There’s nothing like looking back to look forward, since it helps business owners reflect on strengths and weaknesses and figure out where to lean in or pivot for the year ahead. Where some businesses go wrong, however, is making the start of a new year the only time they do a check-in. When it comes to their digital presence in particular, business owners would do well to make dedicated time for review sessions not once a year, but every single quarter (at a minimum). The digital space is changing ...

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The Power of Free image

Illustration of a gift box with confetti coming out of it.

Who doesn’t love getting things for free? But when brands give out freebies, they’re rarely actually free for the brand. So how do you make sure you’re getting a return on investment if you’re not getting paid? We’ve compiled a list of tips for how to do freebies right. Give Away Something of Actual Value Chances are that people won’t remember you if you give them a free pen with your company’s name on it. But if you host a raffle for product samples or for a free hour of your services? That’s a different story. Potential customers are more likely to become customers when they’ve received a taste of what they’re missing. Add Urgency to Your Offer People respond best to freebies ...

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Meet Our Clients: The Business Council of Westchester image

A copy of the BCW’s 2025 Membership Directory cover as well as one open to an inside spread.

The Business Council of Westchester (BCW) is the largest business organization in Westchester County, NY, representing more than 1,000 members. Its membership includes multinational corporations and businesses of all sizes, colleges and universities, hospitals and healthcare biotech firms, not-for-profits, entrepreneurs, and all levels of government. TMCC works with the BCW to publish three annual guides: The Membership Directory The Relocation & Moving Guide for Westchester and the Hudson Valley The Westchester County Economic Development Guide TMCC provides editorial, design, advertising sales and printing/shipping support for the BCW’s publications. Most recently, a 2025 update of the Membership Directory featured articles with information about the BCW’s programming and events, as well as a comprehensive directory of the organization’s membership. Here is a selection of ...

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Why You Should Be Updating Old Content on Your Website image

Isometric illustration with a laptop, men and women working on web design.

In case you haven’t heard the buzz online, the Google core update that rolled out in August 2024 has had a major impact on page views and user traffic for more than a few websites. As per Google, the update aims to improve search results so they’re geared toward reader service and are “genuinely useful.” Sounds vague, right? It all ties back to Google’s focus on E-E-A-T, which stands for experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness. In other words, page rankings on search aren’t just about SEO, but a whole slew of factors. Now, instead of working on optimizing a page with the likes of keywords and meta text, creators need to also strongly consider things like brand reputation, site longevity ...

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How (and Why) to Create Your Perfect Brand Voice image

businessmen and businesswomen meeting brainstorming ideas about new paperwork project colleagues working together planning success strategy enjoy teamwork in small modern office.

If you want to know why brand voice matters to your company’s success, just remember the chicken sandwich wars. Back in the distant social media past of 2019, Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen launched a chicken sandwich. Chick-fil-A apparently took exception to this, tweeting what the New York Times called “a thinly veiled critique” of the new offering. Thus, the first salvo of the chicken sandwich wars was fired. Within 15 minutes, Popeyes’ Twitter account returned fire with the now-immortal words “…y’all good?” The tweet went viral, leading to such massive demand for the new Popeyes sandwich that lines formed around the block at local Popeyes restaurants and the company eventually had to concede it had simply run out of the popular offering. While creating ...

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How to Keep Your Travel Content Fresh in 2025 image

Happy young family on vacation. Parents and kids exploring European city, eating ice cream and looking map for direction.

The end of the year is somehow fast approaching already, so if you’re in the travel industry, now is a great time to plan your content for the 2025 travel season. To help you out, we’ve compiled some emerging travel trends from around the web — and offered some thoughts on how to approach those trends creatively in your content. Focus on Greater Health (and Less Booze) For years now, there has been a growing trend, especially among younger people, to take better care of their bodies. A trademark example of this trend is the phenomenon of shrinking alcohol consumption, especially among the younger generations. While many tourism destinations are rightfully proud of their microbreweries and distilleries (and there is great value ...

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2 Guides Are Better Than 1: The Advantages of More Frequent Publishing image

Two sets of a stack of magazine covers. Garrett County Visitors guide on the left, Visit Baltimore magazine on the right.

It’s common practice for visitor bureaus and chambers of commerce to print and distribute an annual guide. But there are good arguments for publishing more often! Take a look at just a few of them. Avoid Outdated Content When a publication has a shelf life of a year, content can grow stale — especially if it’s about events, exhibitions or member anniversaries that have already passed. Publishing twice a year instead of once reduces the likelihood that customers or prospects will pick up a book with obviously outdated information. Go With the Seasons This is especially crucial for visitor guides. The sorts of activities visitors may want to pursue are significantly different in the spring/summer and fall/winter seasons (think garden shows in the ...

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Get Better Engagement, More Conversions With Targeted Emails image

Flat design web banner illustration for Targeting online audience with email marketing campaign. Illustration of a laptop computer with an envelope mail emoji over top of it with a target bulls-eye emoji.

You already know that email marketing is key to reaching your customers. But do you have the right targeting system in place to reach the people who are actually most likely to buy from you? Here are just a few targeting filters you should consider implementing to ensure you’re reaching your optimal audience: Location: Do you want to reach only people in your city or county? Or people within a day’s drive? Age: Is your ideal audience young and single, just starting a family or on the verge of retirement? Income: Do you only want to reach people over a certain income threshold? Lifestyle interests: Maybe your product or service is something that mainly appeals to, say, homeowners or hobby ...

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How to Leverage LinkedIn for Your Business image

iPhone X with LinkedIn application on the screen. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking service.

The professional social media platform can be a major asset for your business if you use it right. Ever since LinkedIn became “cool” again, there’s been more of a focus on the social networking platform — and not just for individual use. The career-centric site has long been a place for people to post job updates and company moves, but that’s far from all it does. For businesses with an eye on expanding their presence and fostering community connections, LinkedIn is the place to be. That being said, it’s far from a free-for-all when it comes to brand presence on the platform. Here’s what you can do right now to leverage LinkedIn for your business. 1 | Set Up a LinkedIn Page Let’s ...

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These Instagram Best Practices Will Help Your Business Shine image

Abstract illustration of two smart phones using a social media platform to create photo posts of a scenic background.

As any business owner today likely knows, social media is a powerful tool. Whether that means setting up a strong Google Business Profile or managing a Facebook page, business professionals need to have a pulse on what their online presence looks like. Unsurprisingly, few platforms garner as much attention as Instagram. For business owners, the photo- and video-based platform can serve as a major asset to help promote products and services or get the word out about new offerings. Here are a few tips to make the most of the platform: 1 | Craft strong captions with a consistent voice A picture may be worth a thousand words, but that doesn't mean you should ignore the caption. Instead, use the caption space ...

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