The professional social media platform can be a major asset for your business if you use it right.

Ever since LinkedIn became “cool” again, there’s been more of a focus on the social networking platform — and not just for individual use. The career-centric site has long been a place for people to post job updates and company moves, but that’s far from all it does. For businesses with an eye on expanding their presence and fostering community connections, LinkedIn is the place to be.

That being said, it’s far from a free-for-all when it comes to brand presence on the platform. Here’s what you can do right now to leverage LinkedIn for your business.

1 | Set Up a LinkedIn Page

Let’s start with the basics. Just as individuals need personal profile pages, so too do businesses need dedicated pages to promote themselves. Note that LinkedIn Pages are distinct from profile pages on the platform and provide unique features and insights that cater to businesses. (Set yours up here.)

Once your page is ready to go, make sure to populate it with all the information that’s relevant to your business. LinkedIn provides convenient completion ratings to help page managers determine which steps they need to take to ensure their page is as informative as possible. Whether this means adding a logo, writing up an overview, providing organization info, or setting up a call-to-action button, there are so many ways to show off your business.

2 | Post Content Regularly

Just like Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn allows businesses to craft posts to update their audience. While business posts do not generally reach as wide of an audience as individual posts do, businesses still should make the effort to post regularly and lean into a variety of posting styles.

Start with consistent, weekly postings to see how your audience responds.  In terms of content, vary what you post by including images and/or collages, which tend to get a 2x higher comment rate, or videos, which get 5x more engagement than standard text-only posts. If you’re hosting a live event or workshop, consider posting a live video, which can get up to 24x more engagement.

3 | Grow That Audience

Your page is set and your content is posted…so now what? The next step is to make sure your brand is findable on LinkedIn. Luckily, there are a number of ways to do this.

To start, it’s good practice for all company employees to follow the page and add a mention of the page under their work experience to help grow credibility and connections. From there, page managers can also invite people in their connections list to follow the page. For any major company updates or important news, LinkedIn also offers the option to boost posts. This is a paid feature, but one that can help to get the word out there.

4 | List Jobs

Do you have an opening at your company? List it on LinkedIn! LinkedIn has a dedicated job portal that allows individuals to search for potential careers in their areas/geographies of interest. Listing a job on LinkedIn is free, although there are paid options that can help increase the applicant pool and listing visibility. Plus, once the listing is created, it’s as easy as 1-2-3 to cross-post it onto the business’s LinkedIn Page to notify followers and community members about the open role.

Want to learn more about LinkedIn brand strategy and make the most of the platform for your business? Reach out to TMCC’s experts at