The end of the year is somehow fast approaching already, so if you’re in the travel industry, now is a great time to plan your content for the 2025 travel season. To help you out, we’ve compiled some emerging travel trends from around the web — and offered some thoughts on how to approach those trends creatively in your content.

Focus on Greater Health (and Less Booze)

For years now, there has been a growing trend, especially among younger people, to take better care of their bodies. A trademark example of this trend is the phenomenon of shrinking alcohol consumption, especially among the younger generations.

While many tourism destinations are rightfully proud of their microbreweries and distilleries (and there is great value in continuing to promote them), it’s worth taking a look at how breweries, bars and other alcohol-fueled businesses have been pivoting to adjust to the booze-free movement. Consider a blog post or travel guide feature on the most delicious mocktails or — for those who forego the booze to reduce calories — hard seltzers being produced and sold at local businesses.

Think “Experience” for Families Too

When it comes to family-centric travel content, we tend to default to the local water parks, zoos and children’s museums. And while those are undoubtedly a fun time, the timeworn maxim that travelers want experiences applies to families too. So why not rethink your travel content by considering what there is for families to experience together in your area? For example, is there a local business that offers family-friendly yoga classes? Is there a neighborhood park or a restaurant with a giant Connect 4 board that allows family members to challenge each other to a bit of competition? Do local nonprofits offer mind-opening family volunteer opportunities? The sky is the limit.

Reflect on What “Authenticity” Means for You

Another oft-repeated buzzword in the travel industry is “authenticity,” and it’s one of those words that can feel absolutely meaningless when used with a lack of intention. But it doesn’t have to be that way. As we approach the new year, think about the essence of your destination: the sights, sounds, quirks and seasonal milestones you’d miss if you ever moved anywhere else. Then consider what local businesses, attractions or events provide a taste of those experiences — whether it’s a restaurant that sources its ingredients from the farm that has the best fall pumpkin patch, or the festival that harnesses the irreverent spirit of a local museum.

We wish you an inspired 2025.

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