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Promoting Travel Is Tricky Right Now, But CVBs Are Getting Creative image

States across the country are moving forward with reopening procedures, but many potential visitors to your region are understandably cautious about venturing out. In this unprecedented time, CVBs have had to get creative to support their membership and keep the revenue flowing, all while ensuring the safety of travelers. Here are a few strategies CVBs have used to stay visible and relevant in the COVID age: Promoting restaurants’ hygiene and social-distancing protocols To ensure its member restaurants keep their heads above water, Visit Fort Worth created a page with comprehensive information about local establishments that offer takeout, curbside pickup and delivery. Serving as a connector between government and the lodging industry Some CVBs have linked local officials with accommodations that can be used ...

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5 Ways to Stay in Touch with Customers and Prospects Right Now image

Maybe you can’t meet your customers face to face these days, but that doesn’t mean you have to be disconnected. Now is the time to take a look at your digital marketing toolbox and add a few new arrows to your quiver. (Yes, it’s a mixed metaphor, but you know what we mean.) Consider these steps to keep your customers engaged and grow your pool of prospects: 1 | Send out email updates about your operations.What are you doing right now to keep serving customers? Let them know with an email blast that includes a link to your website. Once you’ve got their eyeballs on the page, they just might browse and discover new services they didn’t even know you offered. 2 | ...

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